Sunday, February 01, 2009

Faith-promoting rumor?

At church today a ward member claimed Elder Ballard recently said that for the first time in history there is now a member of the church living in every nation on earth and I instantly found myself thinking, "Really? Bhutan? Congo? East Timor?" The list went on and as I came to Somalia and Sudan I wondered whether the temporary presence of members from western nations working for their respective governments, military forces or NGO's was considered sufficient presence in dozens of such nations to allow a general authority to make such a statement. How meaningful is that? Did Elder Ballard even say this? If so, how does he know? Who's the Mormon in Bhutan? What say ye, noble readers?

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe it. You should debunk this rumour. Or if he did say that it was something much more general, like "there's a member living in almost every nation," or "there's a member of the church on every continent" (which also seems unlikely), or, most likely of all, and the most easily verifiable, "there is a member of church living somewhere on this planet."
